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Capstone California: Introduction Level 1 (Weeknight)

theDesk Leighton Centre 20th Floor, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Course: 3, 10, 17 Aug (Wed) Examination: 7 Sep at 7 pm 10%  off for 2 persons   Curious about the the forth largest wine producing region in the world – California? Seeking to strengthen your knowledge about viticulture and vinification after WSET Level 2 or 3? Capstone California Level 1 is for you! As […]


Capstone California 加州葡萄酒一級證書課程 (6小時粵語課程)

theDesk Leighton Centre 20th Floor, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

11月30日及12月7日 (星期三) 考試: 12月21日,晚上7時   對世界第四大葡萄酒產區—— 加州 California 感到好奇嗎?想展開加州葡萄酒學習之旅,加強您對葡萄裁培和釀造的知識嗎?那您一定不能錯過 Capstone California 加州葡萄酒一級證書課程! 作為加州葡萄酒認證課程,本課程不單止涵蓋加州的葡萄酒歷史和主要產區 (Napa, Sonoma, Santa Barbara),更提供地理、氣候、土壤、葡萄裁培和釀酒的全面細節,與您深入淺出地探討主要葡萄品種的風格。 在MWM Wine School開始您的加州葡萄酒一級課程吧! 透過品嚐16款加州葡萄酒來提升品酒技巧 在課程開始後一年內,無限查閱Capstone California線上資源,包括 7 x 24 的簡報及測驗 獲取一級證書,為二級及後更高級的認證課程作準備 Capstone California 加州葡萄酒一級證書課程涵蓋: 加州葡萄酒歷史上的主要時期,包括改革時代、淘金熱後、禁酒令及現代。 了解加州地理、太平洋及山脈如何影響葡萄裁培和葡萄酒風格。 掌握葡萄種植和栽培的基本知識和細節,加強識別及描述加州種植的重要葡萄品種的能力。 學習美國葡萄種植區(AVA) 系統,包括地區 Napa Valley, Sonoma County 和 Santa Barbara County 的AVA系統。 探索加州標誌性的酒莊,如 Ridge Vineyards, Frog’s Leap Winery 和 Robert Mondavi Winery。 了解加州葡萄酒在全球生產、消費和出口方面的主要統計數據。 […]


Capstone California: Intermediate Level 2 (Weeknight)

theDesk Leighton Centre 20th Floor, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Course: 9, 11, 16, 18 May (Tue & Thu) Examination: 30 May at 7 pm   “The United States is by far the most important wine producer outside Europe. Yet to my mind we still see too few American wines outside the US …” – Jancis Robinson, MW Take a step further into this notable […]


Capstone California: Introduction Level 1

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 19 & 26 Jul (Wed) 10%  off for 2 persons If you want to get an experience of the program before joining the certification? Join Californian Grape by Grape! After workshop, you can join also Cali Cabs – Cabernet Sauvignons of California and top up with HK$400 to get access to the online program.   […]



MWM ensures all events being conducted in the highest standards of professionalism, quality and punctuality. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, we might adjust our events to ensure they are delivered safely without severe interruption to participants’ plan. During lockdown, such measures may include changing a face to face session to online session, or rescheduling the session to after lockdown. You may refer to here about our working procedures. We look forward to your kind understanding. Thank you!

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