Quick Links:
WSET – Wine (L1 / L2 / L3) | Spirits (L1 / L2) / Wine Scholar Guild – France | Italy | Spain / VIA – Italian Wine Maestro / Capstone California (L1 / L2) / Whisky Ambassador / Gin Ambassador
水尾 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
水尾 特別純米酒 金紋錦仕込特別純米
福源酒造福源 純米 (無濾過原酒 生)純米
福源酒造福耳 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
杉の森酒造narai – kinmon純米大吟醸
小野酒造店夜明け前 大吟醸大吟醸
小野酒造店夜明け前 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
白馬元le lacひとごこち純米吟醸
米澤酒造今錦 純米吟醸 美山錦純米吟醸
米澤酒造今錦 年輪 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
真澄 漆黒純米吟醸
真澄 七號純米大吟醸
橘倉酒造橘 樽酒 プレミアム純米大吟醸
橘倉酒造スパークリング純米酒 たまゆら純米
遠藤酒造場渓流 純米吟醸 黒ラベル 720ml純米吟醸
遠藤酒造場直虎 純米大吟醸 番外品純米大吟醸
MWM ensures all events being conducted in the highest standards of professionalism, quality and punctuality. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, we might adjust our events to ensure they are delivered safely without severe interruption to participants’ plan. During lockdown, such measures may include changing a face to face session to online session, or rescheduling the session to after lockdown. You may refer to here about our working procedures. We look forward to your kind understanding. Thank you!