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WSET 葡萄酒第一級認證課程

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

課堂日期:8月6日(星期日) 考試日期:於當日課堂後 *課程以廣東話教授, 課程材料及考試均為英文 如果你想透過品嚐和學習, 從而探索及了解葡萄酒的世界, 那麼WSET 葡萄酒第一級認證課程最適合不過, 為自己的葡萄酒知識打下穩固的基礎。 課程內容: 學懂如何說明「葡萄酒是什麼」 認識葡萄酒的釀造過程 辨別葡萄酒的主要類型和影響其風格的因素 運用WSET葡萄酒第一級系統化品鑑技巧來描述和品嘗葡萄酒,分辨不同葡萄酒的獨特之處 體會葡萄酒與食物配搭,從而理解酒食配搭之道 掌握葡萄酒的儲存及侍酒技巧 導師: 私人會所集團餐飲總監 Jack Cheung,在葡萄酒行業擁有超過10年的豐富經驗。他曾從事是零售、批發和餐飲等多個領域,這些經驗令他對整個行業有更透彻的了解。 Jack運用多年的累積的餐飲經驗,在澳門和新加坡等地協助開辦多個新酒吧餐廳。他不僅擁有WSET Diploma證書,還榮獲認可侍酒師(Certified Sommelier)和國際酒評師資格證書。 在這6小時的課程中, Jack將以深入淺出的方式與您分享他的葡萄酒專業知識和見解, 為您帶來有趣又實用的學習體驗。 課程結構 6小時教學 品嚐9款葡萄酒 WSET Level 1 Award in Wines Specification 考試 45分鐘 30條多項選擇題 及格分數為70% 報讀條件 無需具備任何先前知識 所有申請人必須年滿18歲或以上


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 7 Oct (Saturday) Examination: 7 Oct after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 4 Nov (Saturday) Examination: 4 Nov after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Regular)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 15, 22 Jan (Monday) Examination: 29 Jan @19:00 at MWM Wine School   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Regular)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 23 Feb & 1 Mar (Friday) Examination: 12 Mar (Tue) @19:00 at MWM Wine School   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 23 Mar (Saturday) Examination: 23 Mar after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 5 May (Sunday) Examination: 5 May after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 2 Jun (Sunday) Examination: 2 Jun after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 27 July (Sat) Examination: 27 Jul after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 17 Aug (Sat) Examination: 17 Aug after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]



MWM ensures all events being conducted in the highest standards of professionalism, quality and punctuality. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, we might adjust our events to ensure they are delivered safely without severe interruption to participants’ plan. During lockdown, such measures may include changing a face to face session to online session, or rescheduling the session to after lockdown. You may refer to here about our working procedures. We look forward to your kind understanding. Thank you!

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