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WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Every Sunday- 3, 10, 17 Mar 2024 Exam: 8 Apr 2024 (Mon) 7-8pm at MWM Dive deeper into production methods and the principal raw materials. Learn about the principles of serving spirits, and how to use them in cocktails. This is a course for the enthusiasts and industry people alike. How production methods affect the […]


Introduction to Sake

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Introduction to Sake Embark on a captivating Sake Sensation Journey with our exclusive 1.5-hour "Introduction to Sake" workshop! Immerse yourself in the delicate art of sake tasting and appreciation, allowing your senses to be enchanted by the subtle complexities of this traditional Japanese beverage. Explore the diverse styles of sake that span a spectrum of […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 23 Mar (Saturday) Examination: 23 Mar after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

7 Apr (Sun) Exam: after class at 5:30pm Welcome to the world of spirits with the WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits! Discover the art of tasting, categorization, and mixology in this thrilling course. Immerse yourself in captivating topics like tasting techniques, spirits categorization, and crafting tantalizing cocktails. Indulge in the incredible world of food […]


The Advanced Whisky Ambassador (Weekend)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

課程日期:4月14, 21及28日 (星期日) 考試:5月13日(星期一),晚上7時   高級威士忌大使認證課程是威士忌大使課程的進階版, 這是自2012年起建立的蘇格蘭威士忌培訓課程。此進階課程深入探討技術和生產方式如何影響蘇格蘭威士忌的風味。該課程將協助學員成為真正專業的威士忌專家,提升您對談論和品鑑蘇格蘭威士忌的信心和知識。 在3天的認證課程中,導師Eddie Nara將引領您深入了解:  麥芽處理 研磨 糖化 發酵 麥芽和谷物蒸餾 香氣 調和和裝瓶 而在每天課程結束前,將有威士忌體驗活動,如: 芝士或朱古力和威士忌的搭配 使用4款不同風格的威士忌,調配出您獨有風味的威士忌 此高級威士忌認證課程適合威士忌業內專業人士、調酒師和侍酒師,以及各威士忌收藏家和愛好者報讀。 課程包括下列項目: - Whisky and Other Spirits: Technology, Production and Marketing by Graham Stewart, Julie Kellershohn & Inge Russell 教科書 品鑑不同風味的威士忌體驗 一次考試 通過考試的學員將獲得證書和徽章 報讀準則: 所有報讀人士必須年滿18歲以上 報讀人士需對蘇格蘭威士忌有一般知識,如生產區域、生產過程、品鑑技巧等。建議已完成威士忌大使認證初階課程或第二級WSET烈酒認證課程。   Eddie Nara CSEEddie 是一位烈酒行業中著名的領袖之一,並在香港、澳門和中國的威士忌和氈酒大使首席導師。他是亞洲第一位獲得美國葡萄酒教育學會認證的認證烈酒教育家、國際葡萄酒暨烈酒比賽(IWSC)和香港國際葡萄酒及烈酒比賽(HKIWSC)的國際烈酒評審,還是一位備受尊敬的雞尾酒評審。儘管以對所有烈酒的熱情而聞名,Eddie 對蘇格蘭和世界威士忌都有着深厚的知識與了解。Eddie 期望將所這些寶貴的知識和經驗透過不同的威士忌和烈酒課程,與大家分享,為亞洲更多有抱負的酒吧專業人士提供適合的教育和靈感。 The Whisky Ambassador威士忌大使計劃是最早獲得認證的蘇格蘭威士忌培訓課程。該課程旨在為持牌行業提供培訓,並為希望全面了解蘇格蘭威士忌的人提供專業知識、技能和信心,使您能夠與客戶談論蘇格蘭的國酒,進一步提高客戶體驗,從而協助您提高蘇格蘭威士忌的銷售。® […]


VIA Italian Wine Maestro Certification Course (Regular)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course dates: 16, 23, 30 Apr, 7, 14, 21, 28 May, 4 Jun (Tuesday) Time: 19:30-22:30 Exam: 9 Jul at 7:30pm Educator: Justin Chen, Italian Wine Ambassador, Certified WSET & Italian Wine Educator What is the Italian Wine Maestro Certification Course? This course introduces students to the wealth of Italian native grape varieties that are […]


WSET Level 2 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

18, 25 Apr & 2 May (Thu) Examination: 16 May 2024 (Thu) 3-4 pm   Want to be able to taste, enjoy, select, and assess wines with confidence and professionalism? Level 2 will answer these questions you may have: Why wines are in different style and quality? How to identify principle white and red grape varieties and styles? What are the […]


WSET Level 2 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

20, 27 Apr {Sat): 2-7:30pm 4 May (Sat): 2-6pm Examination: 16 May 2024 (Thu) 7-8 pm   Want to be able to taste, enjoy, select, and assess wines with confidence and professionalism? Level 2 will answer these questions you may have: Why wines are in different style and quality? How to identify principle white and red grape varieties and styles? What […]


The Whisky Ambassador Certificate Training & Beyond

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

1 May (Wed) 2024 – 10am - 5pm Exam: at the end of the class Whisky Ambassador is designed for anyone who wishes to gain thorough knowledge and confidence around whisky. The program is recognised by BIIAB, UK’s leading provider of qualifications for the licensed trade. Upon completion, participants will get the prestigious The Whisky […]


WSET Level 1 Award in Wine (Intensive)

MWM Wine School 9th Floor, Aberdeen Industrial Building, 236 Aberdeen Main Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Course: 5 May (Sunday) Examination: 5 May after class   Why wines are wines? (How wine is made and main types of wine) Why a wine is different from the others? (Style of wines and what make a wine different) How to say why I like this wine? (Systematic approach to wine tasting) What wines […]



MWM ensures all events being conducted in the highest standards of professionalism, quality and punctuality. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, we might adjust our events to ensure they are delivered safely without severe interruption to participants’ plan. During lockdown, such measures may include changing a face to face session to online session, or rescheduling the session to after lockdown. You may refer to here about our working procedures. We look forward to your kind understanding. Thank you!

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