For Immediate Release
Hong Kong Kicks Off International Women’s Day Celebrations with WoW Festival!
100 Wines by Women, 15 Top Speakers, 2 Seminars, 2 Wine Workshops & Business Woman Award Launch
2 March, 2018 (Hong Kong): Hong Kong’s Women of Wine Festival (WoW) wowed audiences in Hong Kong last night, attracting a record crowd of 450 guests, who sipped on over 100 wines made by female winemakers from around the world, and enjoyed a variety of inspirational seminars, wine tasting workshops, networking, pop-up events and more.
Hosted by Master of Wine, Debra Meiburg MW at the exclusive new The Murray, A Niccolo Hotel, this was the first official International Women’s Day event in Hong Kong, ahead of the official day on 8 March. To launch the event, media and VIP guests, including Ms. Gaëlle Goossens, Veuve Clicquot, Mr. Duncan Palmer, Managing Director of The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel, Ms. Maria Perez-Ribes, Deputy Consul General and Commissioner for Economic & Commercial Affairs, Spain, toasted the official #PressForProgress theme by pressing a barrel of “grapes” onstage to officially open the event.
At the festival, guests enjoyed seminars including: “Future Leaders – Modern Leadership and Defining Your Leadership Style” and “Next Gen – Next Decade’s Top Industries & Growth Opportunities to Prime Your Career”, featuring star-studded panels of Hong Kong top business people and industry leaders.
Two wine education tasting workshops offered in-depth wine education to guests. Wine Workshop 1 “Rethink Pink – Explore and Celebrate 200 Years of Rose Champagne, featuring Veuve Clicquot”, was hosted by visiting Veuve Clicquot Winemaker, Gaëlle Goossens, while Wine Workshop 2 “Old Vs New – Discover Classic & Trending Wines from Key Wine Regions” was hosted by Sarah Heller MW – Asia’s newest Master of Wine, and currently the world’s youngest.
The opening ceremony also featured an exclusive news announcement by Veuve Clicquot. Along with Gaëlle Goossens, Winemaker of Veuve Clicquot, Debra Meiburg MW announced the 2018 launch of the globally renowned Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award into Hong Kong.
The Award was created in 1972 as a tribute to Madame Clicquot – widely regarded as the world’s first female entrepreneur and legendary innovator in Champagne. Now operating in 27 countries, the award has recognized more than 350 women. Judged by an esteemed Jury – a panel of five exceptional business people, and an advisor – the Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award will be announced at an award ceremony in Hong Kong in October.
Master of Wine Debra Meiburg MW, founding director of MWM Wine School and Meiburg Wine media said, “It was my great pleasure to launch the 2018 Hong Kong Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award in the presence of such esteemed business women from an incredibly diverse mix of backgrounds and industries. We can’t wait to announce the finalists and winner of the award later this year.
“WoW attracts such a wonderfully diverse mix of attendees; from corporate colleagues, to ambitious young women, to seasoned wine geeks, to some of Hong Kong’s most revered trailblazers in the arts, film, finance, fitness tech and more, all drawn together by a passion – be it casual curiosity or outright obsession – for wine!
“It was refreshing and gratifying to present such a large collection of wines made by women from around the world all under one roof. While women have certainly had a place in the wine industry, it has traditionally been not in the barrel room, the vineyard or in the CEO’s chair. Not only were the wines at WoW delicious, our guests loved the fact that women were in charge of their production!”
WoW’s full speaker list included:
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Media Contacts:
Alex Webster Aranchikov (English) Communications Manager, Meiburg Wine Media Tel: +852 2515 0178 Email: |
Tessa Chan 陳小姐 美酒文化公司(MWM) 公關經理 電話: +852 2515 0178 電郵: |
About Meiburg Wine Media (MWM)
Headed by Master of Wine Debra Meiburg MW, Meiburg Wine Media is driving the spread of wine culture in Asia with its diverse media, marketing and educational products and services. Its wine PR, marketing and events agency arm offers a full suite of creative and effective services to wine regions and drinks-related brands from around the world. MWM’s multimedia wine edutainment platform comprises a diverse portfolio of video productions broadcast globally.
About Debra Meiburg MW
A Hong Kong resident for nearly 30 years, Master of Wine Debra Meiburg is an award-winning author, TV personality, international speaker, and is widely considered the global authority on the Asian wine market. She is founding director of MWM Wine School, by Debra Meiburg MW; Meiburg Wine Media, Asia’s leading wine marketing and agency and education provider; and the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Competition, the world’s first truly pan-Asian wine competition. Her other key roles include wine consultant for Cathay Pacific Airways and Cathay Dragon, and Chair of the Education Committee for the Institute of Masters of Wine.
WoW 美酒節 率先為國際婦女節於香港揭開序幕!
2018年3月2日(香港): WoW 美酒節於昨晚在香港盛大舉行, 羅列了超過 100款由世界各地女性釀酒師或者莊主主理的佳釀,和多個具啟發性的主題研討會、葡萄酒工作坊、現場微作坊分享、品酒交流等。活動集多元交流、職涯規劃、悠閒放鬆、品味美酒於一身,吸引超過450人到場。
由葡萄酒大師Debra Meiberg MW主辦的首個婦女節慶祝活動,昨晚在中環美利大廈改建成的全新五星級酒店The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel 隆重揭幕,為3月8日國際婦女日先打響頭炮。WoW美酒節的開幕禮, 邀請到各方媒體代表及包括凱歌香檳釀酒師Gaëlle Goossens女士、The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel 董事總經理、西班牙駐香港副總領事等重量級貴賓出席,一同以釀酒桶裡面的「葡萄」舉杯致敬,標誌為WoW美酒節及本年度婦女節的主題#PressForProgress敬酒揭幕。
WoW美酒節的品酒元素極受歡迎,兩個葡萄酒工作坊,充實多元學習、啟發活潑靈感,同時滿足味覺。凱歌香檳釀酒師Gaëlle Goossens女士,遠從法國來港,主講 「粉紅色異想: 向粉紅香檳的兩百週年致敬 」;另一節工作坊「葡萄酒的新與舊:探索知名產區佳釀的經典及創新風格」則由全球新鮮出爐及最年輕的葡萄酒大師Sarah Heller MW 主講。
WoW美酒節的開幕禮亦特別加入凱歌香檳的獨家宣佈,由凱歌香檳釀酒師Gaëlle Goossens女士,與葡萄酒大師Debra Meiberg MW,攜手宣佈2018年 「凱歌女性企業家獎」(Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award)於香港正式成立。
「凱歌女性企業家獎」創立於1972年,以紀念及繼承世界上第一位女性企業家凱歌夫人Barbe-Nicole Clicquot女士的成就。獎項表彰擁有與凱歌夫人一樣特質的女性:創業精神、以及成就目標的勇氣和決心 。這個國際性獎項已擁有46年歷史,於全球27個國家舉辦,多達350名女士獲獎。「凱歌女性企業家獎」將會經過一個由五名商界傑出人士及一位顧問組成的評審委員會進行評選及投票選出,並於2018年10月舉辦領獎禮宣布得獎者。
美酒文化公司及MWM Wine School 創辦總監葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg MW表示:「來自不同界別的各位社會精英、業界領袖及企業家的見證下,宣佈香港凱歌女性企業家獎的成立,絕對是我的極大榮幸。在2018緊接而來的入圍名單出爐和頒獎禮,都令我們感到非常激動興奮。」
「我很感恩能夠透過WoW美酒節這個平台,展示來自全球各地女性釀酒師或者莊主的美酒佳釀,這對我而言是一大突破和里程碑。雖然,女性現在已經在葡萄酒產業中擔當一個不可或缺的角色,可是在過往傳統之中,卻難以進入釀酒和葡萄酒的管理範疇擔當領導角色。WoW美酒節當中的100多款酒,皆是由女性主理或者釀造,而這些佳釀證明了,女性釀酒師和莊主們那令人敬佩的能力、態度和理念 。」
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Tessa Chan 陳小姐
美酒文化公司(MWM) 公關經理
電話: +852 2515 0178
Alex Webster Aranchikov (English )
Communications Manager, Meiburg Wine Media
Tel: +852 2515 0178
美酒文化公司Meiburg Wine Media (MWM)
Meiburg Wine Media (MWM) 是亞洲葡萄酒市場策劃及傳訊顧問公司,由定居香港多年的葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg成立及領導,為葡萄酒產區和國際品牌提供多媒體宣傳推廣服務,包括公關、營銷傳訊、活動等。MWM由一群充滿活力並擁有多範疇技能的團隊組成,與全球超過20個葡萄酒產區以及一些高端品牌合作,以前衛、創新並有效的策略擴大客戶在亞洲的接觸層面並提升其知名度。
葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg MW
於香港定居近30年的葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg是著名的葡萄酒專欄作家、電視節目監製及主持、國際知名講者,也是大中華區葡萄酒教育的權威。Debra是葡萄酒市場策劃及傳訊顧問公司Meiburg Wine Media的創辦人, 更創辦了首個真正為亞洲人而設葡萄酒比賽──國泰航空香港美酒品評大賽。Debra創作了一系列獲獎葡萄酒教育書籍以及葡萄酒教學產品,廣受好評,又出版了香港、上海、北京、及新加玻等地的葡萄酒市場指南,使她成為亞洲葡萄酒業界權威。Debra同時是國泰航空的專業品酒顧問,並於2016年被葡萄酒大師協會委任為葡萄酒大師教育委員會主席。